

We invite you to become acquainted with NEOZOON, an art collective founded in 2009 in Berlin and Paris. NEOZOON’s activities play out in the public space and in the infinite realm of the internet. In terms of media, the group works with installation art and film. The collective’s members first called attention to themselves through street-art interventions, for instance by placing the silhouettes of animals made from recycled fur coats on the walls of buildings. They also explored people’s relationship to animals in their later film work. The group’s films also work with the concept of recycling, for instance by transforming video material from YouTube and other online platforms into ironic visual collages that show the absurdity of contemporary society. The artists tackle subjects such as animals in the human world, consumerism, and religion with a distinctive and sharp humor and sense of rhythm. Our tribute to NEOZOON includes eight short films made from 2010 to 2022 that will definitely leave their mark but that also entertain and surprise.

At the festival, the group’s members will also present their work in the form of a master class titled “NEOZOON: Nothing Cute to See Here” – Friday, 28 February at 5:45pm at the Světozor Cinema.

NEOZOON has shown their work at a number of prestigious international exhibitions and film festivals, among other places at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) in Berlin, the International Short Film Festival in Oberhausen, the Center for Art and Media (ZKM) in Karlsruhe, and the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR).

English spoken or English subtitled screening. Suitable both for English speaking viewers and Czech viewers alike.

V prach se navrátíš

Biting the Dust Biting the Dust

  • Germany
  • 2021, 13 min
  • Director: NEOZOON
27.2. 20:15 Praha | Kino Světozor Malý sál
1.3. 20:15 Praha | Kino Světozor Malý sál

FragMANts FragMANts

  • Germany
  • 2019, 6 min
  • Director: NEOZOON
27.2. 20:15 Praha | Kino Světozor Malý sál
1.3. 20:15 Praha | Kino Světozor Malý sál
Ohnivé jezero

Lake of Fire Lake of Fire

  • Germany
  • 2022, 11 min
  • Director: NEOZOON
27.2. 20:15 Praha | Kino Světozor Malý sál
1.3. 20:15 Praha | Kino Světozor Malý sál
Níž než andělé

Little Lower Than the Angels Little Lower Than the Angels

  • Germany
  • 2019, 13 min
  • Director: NEOZOON
27.2. 20:15 Praha | Kino Světozor Malý sál
1.3. 20:15 Praha | Kino Světozor Malý sál
Láska prochází žaludkem

Love Goes through the Stomach Love Goes through the Stomach

  • Germany
  • 2017, 15 min
  • Director: NEOZOON
27.2. 20:15 Praha | Kino Světozor Malý sál
1.3. 20:15 Praha | Kino Světozor Malý sál


  • Germany
  • 2014, 3 min
  • Director: NEOZOON
27.2. 20:15 Praha | Kino Světozor Malý sál
1.3. 20:15 Praha | Kino Světozor Malý sál
Shake Shake Shake

Shake Shake Shake Shake Shake Shake

  • Germany
  • 2016, 4 min
  • Director: NEOZOON
27.2. 20:15 Praha | Kino Světozor Malý sál
1.3. 20:15 Praha | Kino Světozor Malý sál
Kabátové zvíře

the non-toed fur-coatie Das Manteltier

  • Germany
  • 2010, 3 min
  • Director: NEOZOON
27.2. 20:15 Praha | Kino Světozor Malý sál
1.3. 20:15 Praha | Kino Světozor Malý sál