
Ashes to Ashes

Pigeon, person, or armadillo, sooner or later we all meet the same fate – we turn to ashes and dust. But death can be more than a source of fear or reason for mourning, as is often the case. The films in this section show that we can talk about the final days with openness and playfulness. Would you like a film about an astronaut who refuses to accept the fact that he is no longer among the living, or a man from a small Spanish town who learns of his fate from a soothsaying fishmonger as she cuts up an eel and must quickly come to terms with his approaching end? Or what about a film about a lonely old man who comforts mourners at a cemetery? Despite their different plots and approaches, the films in this section have one thing in common: They look at death with tenderness, understanding, humor, and hyperbole.

Pilotů Cinema 22.1.2020, 21:15

Světozor Cinema 23.1.2020, 20:30

Světozor Cinema 26.1. 2020, 18:30

Smutek těch druhých

Another Man's Sorrow Le Malheur des Autres

  • France
  • 2018, 14 min
  • Director: Barbara Schulz
22.1. 21:15 Praha | Kino Pilotů
23.1. 20:30 Praha | Světozor - Small Hall
26.1. 18:30 Praha | Světozor - Grand Hall
Na poslední chvíli

Awaiting Death I väntan på döden

  • Sweden
  • 2019, 11 min
  • Director: Lars Vega, Isabelle Björklund
22.1. 21:15 Praha | Kino Pilotů
23.1. 20:30 Praha | Světozor - Small Hall
26.1. 18:30 Praha | Světozor - Grand Hall
Brouk na konci ulice

The Beetle At The End Of The Street El escarabajo al final de la calle

  • Spain
  • 2017, 19 min
  • Director: Joan Vives
22.1. 21:15 Praha | Kino Pilotů
23.1. 20:30 Praha | Světozor - Small Hall
26.1. 18:30 Praha | Světozor - Grand Hall
Barva tvých rtů

The Colour of Your Lips La Couleur de tes lèvres

  • Canada
  • 2018, 18 min
  • Director: Annick Blanc
22.1. 21:15 Praha | Kino Pilotů
23.1. 20:30 Praha | Světozor - Small Hall
26.1. 18:30 Praha | Světozor - Grand Hall
Bez tíže

Floating Flotando

  • Spain, Italy
  • 2018, 8 min
  • Director: Frankie De Leonardis
22.1. 21:15 Praha | Kino Pilotů
23.1. 20:30 Praha | Světozor - Small Hall
26.1. 18:30 Praha | Světozor - Grand Hall
Rande na oběžné dráze

Lunar-Orbit Rendezvous Lunar-Orbit Rendezvous

  • Canada
  • 2018, 15 min
  • Director: Mélanie Charbonneau
22.1. 21:15 Praha | Kino Pilotů
23.1. 20:30 Praha | Světozor - Small Hall
26.1. 18:30 Praha | Světozor - Grand Hall

Seventy Seventy

  • China
  • 2018, 14 min
  • Director: Jiage Tong
22.1. 21:15 Praha | Kino Pilotů
23.1. 20:30 Praha | Světozor - Small Hall
26.1. 18:30 Praha | Světozor - Grand Hall