

In the summer of 1996, life throws a curveball at Keven Guénette. And it strikes. Guided by his paraplegic baseball coach, Keven discovers mutation, sex, and love.

  • Canada
  • 2016, 16 min
  • Director: Alexandre Dostie
  • Director of photography: Vincent Biron
  • Editor: Stéphane Lafleur
  • Screenplay: Alexandre Dostie
  • Music: Christophe Lamarche-Ledoux
  • Cast: Joseph DeLorey, Tanya Quirion, Jérémy Labonté, Francis La Haye, Sandrine Bisson
  • Art Director: Joëlle Péloquin
  • Producer: Hany Ouichou, Gabrielle Tougas-Fréchette
  • Production: Art & Essai

22.1. 20:00 Praha | Bio Oko

Alexandre Dostie

Born in the rural Quebec that now colors his work, Alexandre Dostie is a poet and performer. In 2010, he created the poetic web series Sainte-CécileMutants (2016) was his first short film, followed by I’ll End Up in Jail (2019).