

This caustic portrait of power dynamics in society describes the journey of a young Lebanese girl who, in her own way, rises up against the intimidation she was subjected to as a child. Delphine is an ode to childhood, but also an examination of the wounds it can cause.

  • Canada
  • 2019, 14 min
  • Director: Chloé Robichaud
  • Director of photography: Ian Lagarde
  • Editor: Yvann Thibaudeau
  • Screenplay: Nathalie Doummar
  • Music: Simon Bertrand
  • Cast: Daria Oliel Sabbag, Ines Feghouli, Ambre Jabrane, Wiam Mokhtari
  • Art Director: Valérie-Jeanne Mat
  • Producer: Gabrielle Tougas- Fréchette, Guillaume Vasseur
  • Production: Voyelles Films

23.1. 18:00 Praha | Světozor - Small Hall
25.1. 20:30 Praha | Světozor - Small Hall
26.1. 16:00 Praha | Světozor - Grand Hall

Chloé Robichaud

Chloe Robichaud is a Canadian director and writer born in Québec. In 2013, she made the official selection of the Cannes Film Festival with her first feature, Sarah Prefers to Run. In 2012, her film Herd Leader was also presented at Cannes, where it was nominated for the Palme d’Or for short film. Her film Boundaries (2016) was selected at the TIFF and won the New Directors award at the Seattle International Film Festival.