

The film is sleazy, raunchy, and sultry but soft. The rest is FRENZY!!

  • Spain
  • 2017, 4 min
  • Director: Paul Stein
  • Director of photography: Luis Ángel Pérez
  • Editor: Robeh Rogero
  • Screenplay: Mer Crespo, Luis Angel Pérez and Paul Stein
  • Music: Forastero
  • Cast: Maria Algora, Jaime Reynolds
  • Art Director: Carlos Barea
  • Producer: Paul Stein
  • Production: Pérez y Stein & Overview

26.1. 21:00 Praha | Světozor - Grand Hall

Paul Stein

Paul Stein, half German, half English, was born on an island some years ago. He started late with movies and is obsessed with images and ways of creating them. He drives slowly and listens to music at all times. He has directed advertisements, music videos, and documentaries. He is ready to shoot his first feature film; he just lacks the money.