
Past Perfect

Many cities or countries have a distinct malaise. They could be like Portugal, so sunk in a painful longing for the past, a place where each tension of the present is only the tip of an iceberg that is explained in successive retreats that go straight to the origin of the species. This feeling, which is common to many latitudes, is often presented as a diagnosis, a denial of a painful present as opposed to the desire to return to a glorious past.

  • Portugal
  • 2019, 23 min
  • Director: Jorge Jácome
  • Director of photography: Jorge Jácome, Marta Simões
  • Screenplay: Jorge Jácome, Pedro Penim
  • Music: Shugo Tekina, Rui Lima, Sérgio Martins, Chopin
  • Producer: Jorge Jácome

22.1. 20:30 Praha | Světozor - Small Hall
24.1. 18:00 Praha | Světozor - Small Hall

Jorge Jácome

Portuguese filmmaker Jorge Jácome graduated from ESTC in Lisbon and from the Le Fresnoy Studio National Des Arts Contemporains in Tourcoing, France. In his work, he investigates the relationship between utopias, melancholy, disappearance, and desire. His films have been shown at international festivals and at exhibition venues such as the Palais de Tokyo, La Maison Européenne de la photographie, and Tabakalera.