

After playing the game "Hangman," two sisters are threatened by a mysterious man who hangs himself in their garden. When the man seems to be alive, he wants to finish the game with the sisters in a deadly way. Nancy tries to protect her sister from the evil entity, but can you win a game you've already lost?

  • Netherlands
  • 2017, 7 min
  • Director: Tim Sagl
  • Director of photography: Jeroen Daemen, Maarten Diederen
  • Editor: Tim Sagl
  • Screenplay: Tim Sagl
  • Music: Clemens Wijers
  • Cast: Caro Derkx, Leigh Oudman
  • Art Director: Melissa Breuer
  • Coproduction: Buzz Media
  • Producer: Guido Franken
  • Production: CineSud

26.1. 21:00 Praha | Světozor - Grand Hall

Tim Sagl

Since childhood, Tim Sagl has been a big fan of horror stories. After finishing high school, he first studied occupational therapy. During his studies, he continued his hobby, writing short stories or creating short (amateur) horror films with his friends. His passion for film prompted him to go back to school, this time a film school in Brussels, where he planned to focus primarily on writing. The Hangman is his first short film. His plan is to make a truly terrifying short film in the future.