
A Place We Call Reality

After completing his debut feature film and subsequently moving to Los Angeles, Norwegian film director Kristoffer Borgli experiences an existential crisis. Failing to find fulfillment through his career, pure hedonism, stable relationships, Scientology, the entire Sam Harris podcast, Greek philosophy, drugs, and healing crystals, he finally finds a mentor named Frank Yang. What follows is a strange and comedic process to break down and build up the mind anew. 

  • Norway
  • 2018, 15 min
  • Director: Kristoffer Borgli
  • Director of photography: Ben Mullen
  • Editor: Kristoffer Borgli
  • Screenplay: Kristoffer Borgli
  • Cast: Kristoffer Borgli, Frank Yang, Jeff Goldblum
  • Producer: Kristoffer Borgli

23.1. 18:00 Praha | Světozor - Small Hall
25.1. 21:00 Praha | Světozor - Grand Hall
27.1. 20:30 Praha | Světozor - Small Hall

Kristoffer Borgli

Kristoffer Borgli is an award-winning Norwegian writer/director of numerous short films, music videos, commercials, and one feature film. His 2013 short film Whateverest was a festival and online sensation that landed him a documentary award at the AFI Festival, which subsequently had to be returned when the festival realized it was fiction. His debut feature film DRIB, starring Brett Gelman, premiered at the 2017 SXSW festival and is now available on Amazon Prime. In A Place We Call Reality, Kristoffer uses his real life as source material. The film could thus be described as an absurdist take on the vlog format, a cinematic mini-memoir, or a documentary processed through a feverish dream.