Where to see Pragueshorts in Prague?

Where to see Pragueshorts in Prague?

This year’s festival is being held at 10 indoor and outdoor cinemas throughout Prague! Traditional cinemas are: Světozor, Edison, Aero, Bio Oko, Pilotů, and Dlabačov; outdoor cinemas are: Kepler by Dlabačov,...

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Pragueshorts presents a lockdown hit by Jirka Mádl

Pragueshorts presents a lockdown hit by Jirka Mádl

16th Pragueshorts Film Festival presents a lockdown hit Brush Me Tender, Brush Me Sweet by Jirka Mádla. Brush Me Tender, Brush Me Sweet is a love story about the complicated romantic relationship...

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You will find even shorter than short films in the special Ultrashorts section

You will find even shorter than short films in the special Ultrashorts section

Do you ask what they have in common: 2 lizards in the first wave of the Covid pandemic in New York, a snail measures its blood pressure at the doctor and a praying mantis in a bourgeois...

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Traditional moderated Brutal Relax Show presents 15 horror and bizarre shorts

Traditional moderated Brutal Relax Show presents 15 horror and bizarre shorts

The program of the 16th Pragueshorts Film Festival, wouldn’t be complete without our traditional moderated Brutal Relax Show of horror and the bizarre. The intergalactic music nerds August and...

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