
The Trees

Bashir attends his father’s funeral in rural Lebanon only to discover a pathogen infecting the trees in his village. A dark comedy about tradition, grief, and the environment.

  • USA, Lebanon
  • 2020, 22 min
  • Director: Ramzi Bashour
  • Director of photography: Alfonso Herrera-Salcedo
  • Editor: Hasan Hadi
  • Screenplay: Ramzi Bashour
  • Sound: Mohamad Khreizat
  • Cast: Nadim Shartouny
  • Art Director: Sara Saleh
  • Producer: Ramzi Bashour

4.3. 18:00 Praha | Bio Oko

Ramzi Bashour

Ramzi Bashour is an award-winning filmmaker based in New York. He was born in Saudi Arabia and grew up in Beirut, Lebanon. After completing his undergraduate studies in creative writing and music in the US, he went on to graduate from New York University's Master of Fine Arts film program in 2020 with his award-winning film The Trees (2021).