

Songbird is a fairy tale with a dark heart. You will be transported to the island of Kauai in 1984 and into a painted replica of a lush cloud forest filled with colorful birds. Here, you are invited to search for the last known ʻōʻō, an iconic black bird with yellow leg feathers and a beautiful song, a bird whose existence has been threatened to the point of extinction. 

  • United Kingdom, Denmark
  • 2018, 10 min
  • Director: Lucy Greenwell, Michelle Kranot, Uri Kranot
  • Screenplay: Lucy Greenwell, Michelle Kranot, Uri Kranot
  • Music: Henrik Opperman
  • Art Director: Michelle Kranot, Uri Kranot
  • Producer: Anetta Jones, Lana Tankosa Nikolic
  • Production: The Guardian, Late Love Productions

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Lucy Greenwell, Michelle Kranot, Uri KranotLucy Greenwell, Michelle Kranot, Uri KranotLucy Greenwell, Michelle Kranot, Uri Kranot

Lucy Greenwell, Michelle Kranot, Uri Kranot

Lucy Greenwell is a British audio producer focusing on narrative and storytelling. She make features and documentaries for BBC. At The Guardian, she created a Sony-nominated series on walks in London and worked on the Keep it in the Ground campaign and audio series. More recently she was senior producer for The Butterfly Effect, a chart-topping nonfiction audio series for Audible presented by Jon Ronson. Songbird (2018) is her first VR piece.

Michelle and Uri Kranot are originally from Israel and currently live in Denmark. Their work in animation has expanded beyond the traditional: Their art straddles experimental genres and unfamiliar media, fusing handmade crafted images and new technologies into contemporary experiences. Their current work continues to test the frontiers of immersive art and moving images. The Kranots are the founders of TinDrum, an animation production company, and the producers and creative directors of ANIDOX, a creative platform focused on the development and production of animated documentaries.