

Animated documentary film "Chase" brings back memories of the times of glory of the Czechoslovak hockey, it´s achievements, specific players but also the dark moments of the year 1950. It’s based on authentic testimonies and archive materials. It follows not only their personal fate but also transformations in society, politics and culture on the background of development of this sport. 

  • Czech Republic
  • 2017, 12 min
  • Director: Michaela Režová
  • Editor: Michaela Režová
  • Screenplay: Radovan Potočár
  • Music: Marek Mrkvička
  • Producer: Anna Zatkalíková

19.1. 20:00 Praha | Kino Pilotů
19.1. 20:30 Praha | Kino Pilotů

Michaela Režová

Michaela Režová *1992

(2014-2017) – Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague – Studio of Film and TV Graphics

(2013) - La Poudriere (Valence, France) 

(2011-2014) – Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art in Plzeň – Studio of Animation and Interactive Art led by Jiří Barta.

I have been interested in and making animated documentaries for years. Besides animating, I mainly work as an illustrator and graphic artist. My freelance works are repeatedly inspired by sports and pop culture. I often use bold lines and colour accents.

You may have seen my illustrations and graphic designs as part of various projects for the Czech helpline Linka bezpečí, the VIA and TEREZA foundations, Original Coffee, the Janova pec homemade müsli, the KB bank, the Czech Academy of Sciences, and others. I have also been teaching filmmaking and animation for a long time. I live and create in Prague.