
The Masterpiece

Awarded Films

Leo and Diana, a rich couple, bring a broken television to a recycle point, where they meet Salif and his son, two scrap dealers. Diana asks them to come to their house to collect more items. Once there, Leo watches them collecting objects with mistrust, until he sees that the scrap dealers have something they want.

  • Spain
  • 2023, 20 min
  • Director: Àlex Lora

Àlex Lora

Àlex Lora is a director, screenwriter, and editor who has won seven Emmys and two Gaudí Awards and has been nominated for a Goya and a Student Academy Award. He has screened his work in official competition at Sundance three times and has won more than a hundred awards at international festivals. His works include Enterrados (2009), Odysseus’ Gambit (2012), Only Solomon Lee (2013) Godka Cirka (2014), Thy Father’s Chair (2015), The Fourth Kingdom (2019), Unicorns (2023), and The Masterpiece (2024).