
Prince Ki Ki Do: Tea cup

Ki Ki Do may seem like a tiny helpless chicken, yet he is a brave Japanese samurai and a passionate lover of a good cup of green tea. He has two insect side-kicks at hand (at wing?) to help him protect the forest and its surroundings. This time he helps a piggy damsel in distress. She ate too many acorns, which could lead to terrible consequences.

  • Slovenia
  • 2016, 13 min
  • Director: Grega Mastnak
  • Screenplay: Peter Povh, Grega Mastnak
  • Music: Vojko Sfiligoj
  • Art Director: Grega Mastnak
  • Producer: Grega Mastnak
  • Production: OZOR animations

2.3. 15:00 Praha | Kino Aero
3.3. 15:00 Praha | Bio Oko

Grega Mastnak

Grega Mastnak is based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He holds an MA in painting from the University of Ljubljana’s Academy of Fine Arts and Design and also studied animated film at FAMU, Prague. From 2002 to 2009, he worked intensely as director, screenwriter, and lead animator for the animation series The Beezes. In 2010, he founded his own production company OZOR, where he is currently working on the animation series Prince Ki Ki Do. His films have earned him numerous awards in Slovenia and internationally.