

A shoal of herrings, adopting fantastic formations, roams the vast ocean. When seagulls suddenly attack, one small herring finds itself stranded in a tidal pool. As it searches desperately for a way out, it discovers many other sea creatures here. Now there is no time for fear: only by joining forces can they hope to defend themselves against the hungry seagull.

  • Switzerland
  • 2023, 9 min
  • Director: Lena von Döhren, Eva Rust
  • Editor: Fee Liechti
  • Screenplay: Lena von Döhren, Eva Rust
  • Music: Martin Waespe
  • Sound: Tobias Diggelmann, Thomas Gassmann
  • Producer: Sarah Born
  • Production: CatPics

2.3. 15:00 Praha | Kino Aero
3.3. 15:00 Praha | Bio Oko

Lena von Döhren, Eva Rust

Lena von Döhren was born in Berlin, Germany. She holds a bachelor’s degree in audiovisual communications from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam and a master’s degree in design from Lucerne University of Design and Art. She has lived and worked in Lucerne since 2009. Lena’s animated films have been shown at numerous festivals including Sapporo, Paris, Hiroshima, and Ottawa.

Eva Rust was born in Zurich, Switzerland, and holds a bachelor’s degree in visual communications from the Lucerne University of Design and Art. She works as an illustrator and teaches at the SfG BB design school. Her picture books have been published by various publishers at home and abroad.