

Manuel is 23 years old and single, with only his pitbull for company. One morning, he meets Margarita, a woman twice his age with whom he sleeps in a nearby motel, experiencing sexuality like never before. Confused between pleasure and fear, Manuel reflects on his masculinity. 

  • Mexico
  • 2022, 18 min
  • Director: Fabián León López
  • Director of photography: Argenis Salinas
  • Editor: Fabián León López
  • Screenplay: Fabián León López
  • Music: Mateo González Bufi 
  • Sound: Adrianna Maldonado
  • Cast: Romanni Villicaña, Mónica Bejarano, Sergio Quiñones
  • Art Director: Emma Viviana González
  • Coproduction: Chemistry, R7d
  • Producer: Delia Luna Couturier
  • Production: Interno Cine

1.3. 20:30 Praha | Bio Oko
2.3. 20:00 Praha | Kino Světozor - Malý sál

Fabián León López

Fabián León López is a director and screenwriter from Mexico, where he graduated from UNAM’s National School of Cinematographic Arts. His short films have been screened and awarded at international festivals. His latest short, Pitbull (2022), was shown in Official Selection at the 2023 Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival. He is currently developing his first feature.