
Dede Is Dead

The death of a beloved pet is difficult to deal with, and even though we try to prepare ourselves, it always seems to come too soon. This is the story of a boy and his dog Dede, who passes away suddenly, leaving the boy alone with his grief. In the end, he learns that just because Dede is dead doesn’t mean that she is completely gone.

  • Czech Republic
  • 2023, 8 min
  • Director: Philippe Kastner
  • Editor: Prokop Prčík, Philippe Kastner
  • Screenplay: Philippe Kastner
  • Music: Philippe Kastner
  • Sound: Dávid Procházka
  • Art Director: Philippe Kastner
  • Producer: Tomáš Šimon
  • Production: FAMU

29.2. 17:45 Praha | Světozor Velký sál
2.3. 17:30 Praha | Kino Pilotů

Philippe Kastner

Philippe Kastner is a student at FAMU’s Department of Animated Film. He has directed and animated several short animated films, including The Tower (2021), and also shot a music video for his song Wolfeater (2021). His movie Dede Is Dead premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival, where it received Special Mention in the Generation Kplus competition.