

Marc, a young city dweller, moves to the country alone. He is counting on the arrival of his girlfriend Louise, but she is slow to join him. Marc is obsessed with a wellness routine that punctuates his days, but the silence is becoming increasingly burdensome, and Louise still hasn’t arrived. In this stressful calm, Marc is gradually assailed by the kinds of sounds we are used to ignoring, then by others that we are not supposed to hear.

  • France
  • 2022, 12 min
  • Director: Guillaume Scaillet
  • Director of photography: Aurélien Marra
  • Editor: Maxence Tasserit
  • Screenplay: Guillaume Scaillet
  • Music: Rémi Boubal
  • Sound: Adrien Cannepin
  • Art Director: Camille Laading
  • Producer: Jérôme Barthélemy, Daniel Sauvage
  • Production: Caïmans Productions

29.2. 20:30 Praha | Bio Oko

Guillaume Scaillet

Guillaume Scaillet is a French director and screenwriter. He has directed the shorts Fanny (2021) and Meantime (2022).