
Elena Pecenová

Labo Jury

Elena Pecenová

In her work, Elena Pecenová is focused on performative art and contemporary literature. A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, where she studied at the Printmaking 2 Studio with Vladimír Kokolia and the Intermedia 2 Studio with Pavla Sceranková and Dušan Záhoranský, she is currently working to expand the genre of the artistic novella. She has published two books of poetry, ​Jako bych očima fotografovala stále ty stejné snímky (As If My Eyes Were Always Photographing the Same Images; NAVU, 2022) and ​Na cestu zpět si zapínám skryté titulky (On the Way Back I Turn on Hidden Subtitles; Adolescent, 2023). She is a member of the art collective PGS and until 2021 served as editor-in-chief of the digital curatorial platform for contemporary poetry Psí víno, where she continues to work as a curator.