Hot Topic: My Body
Self-acceptance, identity, physicality – hot topics that today’s young generation deals with more than ever. With the section titled “Hot Topic: My Body,” this year’s festival creates a venue for discussing these topics, featuring three short films and a public discussion with well-known figures and experts.
What does it mean to be an “alpha male” online – and what is the reality? Alpha Kings explores how the online world influences our bodies and our identities. After the film, chef Adam Rundus will talk about the image of masculinity and self-perception on social networks. The process of transition is brought to life by the visually fascinating Hello Stranger, after which influencer Christian Kozel and Emma Strouhalová of the Trans*parent support group will discuss growing up trans. getty abortions, meanwhile, shows that abortion isn't just lonely stories in a dark room. The film, which presents a broader perspective on the subject, will be followed by a talk with Markéta Brabcová, who you may know from social media as @sklonykfeminismu, and a representative of the Moje tělo je moje (My Body Is Mine) project, which fights against body shaming and seeks to respect body diversity.
Join us for a discussion of issues shaping the world today.
English spoken screening with Czech subtitles. Discussion will be in Czech only.