

Pragueshorts for Kids

In the forest there lives a magical unicorn capable of healing any wound. All you have to do is touch its horn and everything in life is immediately brighter and more colorful. But is that what everybody wants?

  • Germany
  • 2022, 4 min
  • Director: Julia Ocker
  • Producer: Thomas Meyer-Hermann
  • Production: Studio FILM BILDER GmbH

1.3. 15:00 Praha | Kino Aero
2.3. 14:30 Praha | Bio Oko

Julia Ocker

Julia Ocker is an animation director, designer, and author from Stuttgart. She studied visual communications in Pforzheim and animation at the Filmakademie in Baden-Württemberg. Her graduation film Kellerkind won the 2012 First Steps Awards and the 2013 Tricky Women Prize and was nominated for the 2014 Annie Awards. Ocker discovered her passion for children’s movies thanks to an opportunity to produce five short films with Studio FILM BILDER for the SWR series, I Know an Animal. These five short films led to her own series, Animanimals (2013), which went on to be shown on KiKa television and was sold to more than 180 international territories. Since every episode works as a short film, they have been screened at many festivals worldwide and have won more than seventy awards.