
Teenage Cowboy

International Competition 3

Sixteen-year-old Michele works as a cowboy on a wild plateau. Together with his colleague, 21-year-old Alexandra, he offers horseback rides across the vast fields to tourists. But nothing has been the same since the dramatic events of last winter.

  • Switzerland
  • 2024, 17 min
  • Director: Matteo Gariglio
  • Director of photography: Andi Widmer
  • Editor: Rebecca Trösch
  • Music: Feed The Monkey
  • Sound: Oswald Schwander
  • Producer: Matteo Gariglio
  • Production: Matteo Gariglio Films

27.2. 17:15 Praha | Kino Pilotů

Matteo Gariglio

Matteo Gariglio is a Swiss-Italian documentary filmmaker and photographer born in Lucerne, Switzerland. He studied visual communications with a specialization in video at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Furthermore he holds a master’s degree in documentary film directing from the Doc Nomads program (Universidade Lusofona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisbon; University of Theatre and Film Arts, Budapest; LUCA School of Arts, Brussels). His projects revolve around the human condition of people living on the margins of modern society. His short film En la boca (2017) was nominated for a European Film Award and Swiss Film Award, won various prizes, and was screened at more than one hundred international film festivals.