

Ginette is working at a tasting booth of a small grocery store. Woe betide the person who refuses her appetizing morsels.

  • Canada
  • 2020, 6 min
  • Director: Patrick Gauthier
  • Director of photography: Carl Tremblay
  • Editor: Carl Tremblay
  • Screenplay: Patrick Gauthier
  • Sound: Francis Gendro
  • Cast: Angèle Lamontagne, Stephane Paquet, Patrick Gauthier
  • Producer: Patrick Gauthier
  • Production: Urbal Productions

2.3. 20:30 Praha | Bio Oko

Patrick Gauthier

Patrick Gauthier is a trained actor who has always been interested in screenwriting. He launched his production company Le Crâne and has worked on various projects including Le Loup (2017), Montréal Dead End (2018) and Saint-Sacrifice (2019). He recently took his first steps as a director. He’s a cinema aficionado who wants to share his passion for horror movies.