

Short animated story set in a cold nordic country happening in the beginning of the 19th century. The story is about the stereotypical life of old man who is working as an awaker, man waking up people. His life is still the same, until the day he gets an old shiny bell.

  • Czech Republic
  • 2017, 10 min
  • Director: Filip Diviak
  • Screenplay: Filip Diviak
  • Music: Jan Nevyjel, Noemi Valentíny, Vít Přibyla, Barbora Kadlíčková
  • Art Director: Filip Diviak
  • Producer: Lukáš Gregor
  • Production: Faculty of Multimedia Communications, Tomas Bata University in Zlín

19.1. 20:00 Praha | Kino Pilotů
19.1. 20:30 Praha | Kino Pilotů

Filip Diviak

Filip Diviak is an animator and novice director. He found his passion for animation while studying at the Secondary School of Scenic Art where he was focusing mainly on 3d animation.