Elena Pecenová
Labo Jury

In her work, Elena Pecenová is focused on performative art and contemporary literature. A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, where she studied at the Printmaking 2 Studio with Vladimír Kokolia and the Intermedia 2 Studio with Pavla Sceranková and Dušan Záhoranský, she is currently working to expand the genre of the artistic novella. She has published two books of poetry, Jako bych očima fotografovala stále ty stejné snímky (As If My Eyes Were Always Photographing the Same Images; NAVU, 2022) and Na cestu zpět si zapínám skryté titulky (On the Way Back I Turn on Hidden Subtitles; Adolescent, 2023). She is a member of the art collective PGS and until 2021 served as editor-in-chief of the digital curatorial platform for contemporary poetry Psí víno, where she continues to work as a curator.